21700 vs 18650 – Unveiling the Battle of Batteries

21700 vs 18650 first image

Powering the Future: Delve into the Ultimate Clash – 21700 vs 18650 Batteries. Which Energy Titan Will Prevail?

Lithium-ion batteries have revolutionized the realm of portable power sources, with two prominent contenders vying for dominance: 21700 vs 18650 battery. These numerical monikers refer to the dimensions of these cylindrical cells concealing within them the power to energize a multitude of modern devices.

The competition between the 18650 vs 21700 energy density, 18650 vs 21700 size comparison, and 18650 vs 21700 battery life ultimately shaped the landscape of portable electronics and electric vehicles.

Comparison Summary Table

Key Differences 21700 18650
Size Larger diameter Smaller diameter
Capacity Higher Lower
Energy Density Improved Moderate
Heat Dissipation Better Adequate
Voltage Similar Similar
Weight Heavier Lighter
Applications EVs, high-power devices Laptops, flashlights


For a closer look at the distinctions between li ion 21700 vs 18650, give the full article a read!


What is the role of battery element protection in the contrast between protected and unprotected lithium-ion batteries?

There are two different kinds of cylindrical lithium-ion batteries;

  1. Protected
  2. Unprotected

In electronics and automobiles, unprotected batteries are preferred due to their increased capacity and cost-efficiency. Instead of incorporating protective features into the battery, these features are built into the device.

Customers may choose between protected or unprotected batteries. Simple devices like 21700 vs 18650 flashlights and toys may benefit from the protection against extreme currents, heating up, internal pressure and excessive voltage that protected batteries provide. The circuit built into these “Protected” batteries helps to keep them from catching fire or exploding.

A PCB (Protective Circuit Board) is built into a protected battery to guard against under-voltage when draining and overvoltage while charging. Only equipment with its own safety features should use unprotected batteries.

Protected 21700 or 18650 batteries are the safest option. Unprotected alternatives are the least expensive but pose dangers like fire or exploding if overused or overloaded.


21700 Lithium-ion Batteries

1.     What Exactly Is A 21700 Lithium Ion Battery?

A 21700 li-ion battery is a unique variant of a cylindrical battery characterized by its dimensions of 21mm in diameter and 70mm in length. This physical specification differentiates it from other lithium-ion cells and impacts its overall capacity and energy density.

The larger size of the 21700 battery enables it to accommodate more electrode material which in turn contributes to a higher energy storage capacity compared to smaller battery formats like the 18650. This enhanced capacity makes the 21700 favored in applications demanding sustained power output and longer operational periods.

2.     Types Of 21700 Battery Cells

There are several types of 21700 battery cells commonly found, with four notable models:

  • 21700-4Ah
  • 21700-4.5Ah
  • 21700-4.8Ah
  • 21700-5Ah

These variants share a consistent voltage of 3.7V, ensuring stable power delivery across applications. The key distinguishing factor is their capacity, with values of:

  • 4000mAh
  • 4500mAh
  • 4800mAh
  • 5000mAh

All these models employ NCM (Nickel Cobalt Manganese) composition, recognized for its balanced performance and capacity characteristics in lithium-ion batteries. Opting for the appropriate 21700 battery type involves aligning capacity with intended usage, achieving an optimal blend of power and duration for different devices and industries.

3.     Advantages Of 21700 Batteries

  • Higher Energy Density: 21700 batteries with energy densities reaching up to 250 Wh/kg enable more energy to be stored within the same physical volume enhancing its efficiency in powering compact devices.
  • Lower Internal Resistance: With internal resistances as low as 15 milliohms, these batteries can deliver energy more efficiently and experience reduced voltage sag under high loads ensuring consistent performance in demanding applications.
  • Faster Charging: 21700 li ion battery often supports higher charging currents allowing for rapid charging rates of 3C or even higher, reducing device downtime and enabling faster turnarounds.
  • Advanced Thermal Management: The larger form factor of 21700 batteries facilitates better heat dissipation which is vital for preventing overheating and maintaining battery performance and safety in high-power applications.
  • Compatibility with Emerging Technologies: The structural design and enhanced features of 21700 batteries make them adaptable to emerging technologies like electric vehicles and grid-level energy storage where the demand for higher energy capacity, efficiency, and longevity is paramount.
  • Enhanced Lifespan: Thanks to refined chemistry and design 21700 battery often offers an extended lifespan, typically allowing for recharging between 300 and 500 times before its capacity diminishes to a point where it is no longer operationally efficient.

4.     Usage Applications

21700 lithium battery has found widespread utility in a range of applications due to its enhanced energy capacity and power output:

  • High-Drain Devices: 21700 finds common applications in these devices due to its capacity and exceptional output capabilities.
  • Powerful Flashlights: These batteries power high-intensity flashlights, ensuring prolonged illumination for demanding outdoor and professional use.
  • Electric Vehicles: Its higher energy density and capacity of 21700 batteries contribute to the performance and range of electric vehicles promoting sustainable transportation.
  • Drones: 21700 batteries provide the necessary power for drones enabling extended flight times and enhanced payload capacities.
  • Vaping Mods: Certain segments of the vaping community utilize battery 21700 in mods where the combination of capacity and power output is valued for an enhanced vaping experience.
  • Portable Power Banks: 21700 batteries are also integrated into portable power banks, offering increased energy storage for charging various devices on the go.
  • Renewable Energy Storage: These batteries support energy storage solutions facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources and contributing to grid stability.

5.     Charging And Compatibility

Charging and compatibility considerations for the 21700 rechargeable battery delves into its unique characteristics. Due to its larger size and enhanced energy capacity, this battery often necessitates specialized chargers to accommodate its specifications.

The optimal charging current is capacity dependent. As a rule of thumb, rates between 0.5C and 1C are suggested.

For example, a 4000mAh 21700 battery would be charged at 2A to 4A. Adhering to these technical parameters ensures safe and efficient charging contributing to the longevity and performance of 21700 batteries within various applications.

6.     What Are The Considerations For Charging 21700 Batteries?

Here are some important considerations for charging 21700 batteries:

  • Charging Voltage: Normally, lithium-ion batteries have a nominal voltage of 3.6/3.7 volts per cell. The charging voltage should not exceed the maximum allowed voltage specified by the manufacturer (usually around 4.2 volts per cell).
  • Charging Current: The charging current should be within the limits specified by the manufacturer. It’s common to charge lithium-ion batteries at a rate of 0.5C to 1C, where C is the battery’s capacity. For a 21700 li-ion battery with a capacity of 3000mAh (3Ah), a 1C charge rate would be 3A.
  • Constant Current and Constant Voltage (CC-CV) Charging: Lithium-ion batteries are typically charged using a two-step charging process. In the constant current phase, the battery is charged with a constant current until it reaches a specific voltage of around 4.2V per cell. Then the charger switches to constant voltage (CV) mode where the voltage is steady while the current gradually decreases. This helps prevent overcharging.
  • Temperature Monitoring: Lithium ion batteries are sensitive to temperature. Charging at extreme temperatures (too hot or too cold) can damage and reduce the battery life. Chargers and battery management systems (BMS) often include temperature monitoring and control mechanisms to ensure safe charging.


7.     Energy Density Comparison

The comparison between 18650 vs 21700 energy density underscores their distinct performance characteristics. 21700, owing to its larger dimensions, often exhibits an increased energy density, typically ranging from 200 to 250 Wh/kg. In contrast, an 18650 battery usually has an energy density of around 150 to 200 Wh/kg.

This difference translates to 21700 being able to store more energy within the same physical volume, offering longer operational periods for devices. This attribute holds significance in applications where space constraints intersect with the demand for extended and sustained power output emphasizing the technological advancement inherent in 21700 batteries.

8.     Availability And Cost

The landscape of 21700 lithium batteries is progressively expanding, yet its market presence might not match the ubiquity of 18650 batteries. Its availability is growing, albeit not as extensively. Typically, this battery leans towards a higher price range than its 18650 counterparts. This is primarily attributed to its larger capacity and newer technology which inherently incurs elevated manufacturing costs.

As the industry matures and production scales, it’s expected that both availability and cost will see improvements making 21700 batteries a more accessible and economically viable choice for applications demanding enhanced energy storage and performance.


18650 Lithium-ion Batteries

1.     What Exactly Is An 18650 Lithium Battery?

A 18650 is a cylindrical Li-based cell of a standardized size of 18mm in diameter and 65mm in length. Renowned for its compact form and widespread usage, this battery type finds application across various industries, from electronics to electric vehicles.

Its well-defined dimensions contribute to its versatility allowing seamless integration into an array of devices while offering a balance between capacity and size. As a popular choice with established compatibility, the 18650 battery plays a pivotal role in powering devices where efficiency and compactness are paramount.

2.     Different Types Of 18650 Battery Cells

The realm of 18650 cells encompasses a variety of models, each tailored to specific capacities and performance attributes. The market showcases several typical 18650 cell models with capacities ranging from 2Ah to 3.5Ah.

Notably, variations in production processes contribute to differences in cycle times and the overall cycle life of these cells. For instance, the NCM 18650 cells exhibit a lifespan of around 300 to 1000 cycles.

Among the models, the INR18650 series boasts options like:

  • INR18650-2Ah
  • INR18650-2.2Ah
  • INR18650-2.5Ah
  • INR18650-3Ah
  • INR18650-3.2Ah
  • INR18650-3.5Ah

All are operating at a consistent voltage of 3.7V. These cells utilize NCM (Nickel Cobalt Manganese) chemistry for their composition, offering a balance between performance and capacity.

Additionally, the IFR18650, constructed from LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) material, demonstrates exceptional cycle longevity, with a potential life exceeding 3,500 cycles. The diversity within the 18650 cell spectrum provides various options catering to specific energy needs and cycle requirements for diverse applications.

3.     Key Advantages Of 18650 Batteries

  • Versatile Availability: 18650 batteries enjoy extensive availability, being widely utilized in a spectrum of devices simplifying the process of finding suitable replacements when needed.
  • Proven Compatibility: The established popularity of 18650 batteries has led to many devices being designed explicitly to accommodate them, ensuring seamless integration and performance.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to newer, larger battery formats, 18650 batteries are more budget-friendly.
  • Mature Technology: These batteries benefit from mature manufacturing processes resulting in consistent quality and reliable performance with discharge rates often exceeding 10A.
  • Cyclic Longevity: Many 18650 batteries boast a lifespan of 300 to 500 charge cycles before experiencing significant capacity degradation, making them dependable choices for devices requiring sustained usage.
  • Varied Capacity: With capacities ranging from around 1000mAh to over 3500mAh 18650 battery offers a range of options allowing users to select cells suited to its specific power requirements.



4.     Usage Applications

The versatility of the 18650 lithium battery spans an array of devices catering to diverse energy needs in everyday applications and specialized industries.

  • Laptops: 18650 batteries power laptops offering a portable and reliable energy source for extended usage.
  • Flashlights: The batteries’ compact size makes them ideal for flashlights providing sufficient power for illumination in various settings.
  • Power Tools: 18650 batteries are preferred for power tools delivering the energy needed for efficient operation on construction sites and workshops.
  • Vaping Devices: Many vaping devices utilize 18650 batteries combining capacity and power output for extended vaping sessions.
  • Electric Vehicles: In the realm of electric vehicles, 18650 batteries contribute to the drive for sustainability by powering hybrid and electric cars.
  • Medical Devices: Medical equipment benefits from 18650 batteries ensuring a reliable energy source for devices like portable oxygen concentrators.
  • Renewable Energy Storage: These batteries play a role in renewable energy storage systems aiding in harnessing and utilizing energy from renewable sources.

5.     Charging And Compatibility

Since lithium-ion is used in 18650 rechargeable batteries, a special CC-CV charger is required for charging and compatibility. Some 18650 batteries can charge to 4.2V however this varies widely. The maximum voltage of 18650 LFP batteries is 3.65V, whereas the maximum voltage of 18650 NMC batteries is 4.2V.

The 18650 format is supported by a wide variety of universal chargers making charging much more convenient. It is important to match battery 21700 vs 18650 sizes to device requirements for smooth integration and safe operation since bigger 21700 batteries may not fit in devices built exclusively for 18650 batteries owing to differences in physical dimensions.

6.     Do 18650 Batteries Require Special Chargers?

Dedicated chargers for 18650 batteries are recommended for optimal charging. A battery may be damaged by using an incompatible charger for an extended period of time, even if certain universal chargers do function. If you want to get the most out of your lithium-ion battery, you’ll need a special charger designed for them.

Every manufacturer of 18650 lithium-ion batteries uses the same standard charging voltage of 4.2V. By strictly following these guidelines, you may keep your battery in top shape for as long as possible.


7.     Capacity And Power Output

The 18650 battery exhibits a voltage range of approximately 3.6V to 3.7V and boasts capacity ratings from 2300mAh to 3600mAh. This voltage specification underpins its power output capabilities influencing the performance of the devices it powers.

The varied capacity range accommodates diverse energy demands offering options suited to specific applications. As a result, 18650 batteries can deliver sustained power for various devices with higher capacities catering to extended usage requirements.

8.     Energy Density Comparison

The comparison of 18650 vs 21700 energy density reveals distinct technical nuances. The energy density of a standard 18650 battery peaks at around 250 Wh/kg, illustrating its storage capacity within a given mass. Conversely, the 21700 outpaces its predecessor with an energy density that estimates 20% higher.

This improvement translates to an energy density of around 300 Wh/kg, signifying its capacity to store more energy within a similar weight range. This advancement underlines the 21700 battery’s technological progression enabling enhanced performance and longer runtimes for high-demand applications.

The higher energy density of the 21700 battery accommodates the evolving energy needs of modern devices, making it an attractive choice for industries requiring efficient power storage and utilization.

9.     Lifespan And Performance

Although 18650 batteries don’t last as long as 21700 cells, and provide enough performance for many uses. These days most 18650 lithium batteries can withstand between 300 and 500 full and empty cycles. However, this number might drastically drop to roughly 200 cycles under high-amp or high-drain conditions. Notably, the cycle life may be reduced to as low as 50 cycles if the maximum discharge current limit (A) is exceeded.

This technical insight underscores the importance of managing discharge current to preserve the longevity of 18650 batteries, making them suitable choices for a wide range of applications that demand a balance between performance and lifespan.


How to choose the correct 21700 and 18650 lithium batteries for various applications?

Selecting the appropriate 21700 and 18650 lithium batteries demands consideration of application-specific requirements.

  • Evaluate capacity (measured in milliampere-hours, mAh) for energy storage, balancing between higher capacity and 21700 battery size vs 18650 constraints, for high-drain applications like power tools prioritize batteries with high discharge rates.
  • Voltage compatibility is crucial; 21700 generally offers higher capacity, while 18650 might fit in tighter spaces.
  • Factor in charging cycles for longevity – 21700 usually offers a longer lifespan. Weight and size influence portability.
  • Consult datasheets for performance data.
  • In summary, balance capacity, discharge rate, compatibility, longevity, and 21700 vs 18650 sizes to select the suitable lithium battery for each application.


Wondering where to buy 21700 batteries and where to buy 18650 batteries? Buzzup Factory’s expertise is instrumental in this selection process. With over a decade of experience, we specialize in providing tailored solutions, utilizing high-quality cylindrical lithium batteries that conform to stringent international standards. We offer certified 21700 and 18650 cells, ensuring precise matches to application-specific technical needs. This technical mastery optimizes performance and longevity across diverse applications.



In today’s market, the popularity of 21700 batteries is on the rise. These batteries bring extra strength compared to the 18650 ones, which is a great match for energy-intensive gadgets like electric cars and tools. Even though some companies are still launching things that work with the 21700, we predict they’ll eventually take over from the 18650 batteries as the new norm in the industry.

If you’re searching for a robust and enduring battery for your upcoming project, thinking about using a 21700 is a smart move. Don’t forget to ponder this option if you want a powerful, long-lasting energy source.



Are 21700 batteries better than 18650?

The choice between 21700 and 18650 batteries depends on the application. 21700 batteries generally offer higher capacity and energy density better suited for high-drain devices. 18650 batteries are compact and widely available, fitting well in smaller devices.

Can I use a 21700 battery in a device with an 18650 battery?

The 21700 battery is noticeably longer and broader than the 18650 lithium battery. A 21700 battery will not fit into a device designed to use 18650 cells, and doing so may cause harm to either the device or the battery.

Can I replace the 18650 with a 21700 battery?

The voltage is the most important factor in determining whether or not a 21700 or 18650 battery may be used interchangeably. The greater voltage of a 21700 li ion battery over a 18650 one means that different devices may use them.

A 21700 li-ion battery is required for what?

Each cell’s normal open circuit voltage is 3.7V, whereas the maximum charge voltage is 4.2V. Vehicles, electric bicycles, vaporizers, and other battery packs have used 21700 battery cells.

For an e-bike battery, which of these 18650-cell packs would be ideal?

Panasonic 18650 lithium battery or LG Chem 18650 cell is a great option for an e-bike’s battery. Both are excellent choices for the best e-bike performance and lifetime because of its respective high energy densities and long service lives.

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