Top Sodium-ion Battery Companies In The World

Top Sodium-ion Battery Companies In The World

A Sodium-Powered Spark: How Sodium-ion Batteries Are Igniting The World Of Sustainable Energy!

Sodium-ion batteries are emerging as strong contenders pursuing clean and sustainable energy solutions. They leverage the unique biochemistry of sodium, using sodium ions (Na+) as charge carriers between electrodes during charging and discharging. Like lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries offer efficient energy storage but with the advantage of using more abundant and affordable sodium ions.

As the demand for efficient energy storage surges, several sodium ion battery companies have stepped into the limelight with groundbreaking innovations. Armed with cutting-edge research and development, these global leaders have embraced the challenge of optimizing sodium-ion batteries to their fullest potential.

If you are looking for top sodium-ion battery company in the world, you are now in the right place!

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Their unwavering commitment has yielded remarkable results, showcasing a superior capacity for energy storage and impressive cycle life with:




Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) 14.68%
Market Size in 2020 USD 244 million
Market Size in 2027 USD 609 million
Forecast Period 2020 to 2027
Dominant Application Stationary Energy Storage
Expected Key Growth Sectors Wind, Solar PV, and Hydro Power
Solar & Wind’s Share in Total Generation Expected to produce >50% by 2030, ~80% by 2050


This table provides critical metrics and data related to the sodium-ion battery market analysis. The main driving force behind this growth is the rising demand for cleaner energy and energy storage solutions from solar and wind sources.

If you are looking for sodium ion battery manufacturers? Look no further! Explore our list of top manufacturers and find the perfect partner for your sustainable energy solutions.

Top Sodium Ion Battery Companies in USA


Aquion Energy, a cutting-edge energy storage company, was founded in 2008 by Jay Whitacre, a prominent materials scientist and professor at Carnegie Mellon University. The company was established to revolutionize the energy storage industry by providing sustainable, long-lasting, and cost-effective solutions to address global energy challenges. Aquion Energy set its sights on the nascent but promising new sodium ion battery technology, which offered substantial advantages over conventional lithium-ion batteries.


Industry and Focus

Aquion Energy operates in the energy storage sector, a vital industry that supports the integration of renewable energy sources like solar and wind into the power grid. The company primarily focuses on developing and manufacturing sodium-ion batteries, a technology with immense potential to store renewable energy efficiently and securely.


Company Advantage

Aquion Energy, operating as a prominent sodium battery company, holds a significant advantage with its unwavering commitment to sustainability and environmental consciousness. Let’s explore the significant advantages of Aquion’s sodium-ion batteries below:

  • Aquion Energy’s significant advantage is its commitment to sustainability and environmental consciousness.
  • These batteries are environmentally friendly, unlike traditional ones using hazardous materials.
  • The batteries are constructed using abundant and non-toxic materials, including sodium, water-based electrolytes, and manganese oxide.


Key Features Of Sodium Battery Technology Company

Abundance of Raw Materials Sodium’s availability makes it cost-effective and reduces reliance on rare metals used in lithium-ion batteries.
Enhanced Safety Inherently safer with lower reactivity and non-flammability, crucial for large-scale energy storage applications.
Extended Lifespan Sodium battery technology demonstrates exceptional longevity with thousands of deep charge-discharge cycles for reliable energy storage.
High Efficiency Advanced chemistry ensures minimal energy loss during charging and discharging, optimizing energy utilization.


Natron Energy Inc. is a cutting-edge energy storage company based in California, USA. Founded in 2012 by Colin Wessells, an expert in electrochemistry and energy storage systems, the company has emerged as one of the leading sodium battery manufacturers in advanced battery technologies. Natron is committed to creating and commercializing cutting-edge sodium-ion batteries as an attractive replacement for standard lithium-ion batteries.


Industry And Target Applications

Natron Energy Inc. operates in the energy storage industry, specializing in providing high-performance and reliable batteries for various industrial applications. Unlike lithium-ion batteries, widely used in electric vehicles (EVs) and consumer electronics, the company strategically targets industrial battery use cases, emphasizing power density, safety, cycle life, and thermal performance utilizing sodium ion battery technology.

The key target applications include data center backup power, forklifts, industrial vehicles, telecommunications installations, and other demanding industrial settings.


Advantages Of Natron’s Sodium-ion Batteries

These batteries stand out for several compelling reasons, making them a sought-after solution for various industrial applications. Some of the key advantages of their sodium-ion batteries are:

  • Enormous Cycle Life: Natron’s batteries boast an impressive lifespan, with a cycle life exceeding 50,000 cycles. This durability is five to twenty-five times longer than lithium-ion rivals, guaranteeing cost-effectiveness and low maintenance needs.
  • Practical Power Density: With a high power density in a given volume between lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries, Natron’s sodium-ion batteries strike an ideal balance for industrial use cases.
  • Super-fast Charging: One of the most notable features of Natron’s sodium battery technology is its super-fast charging capability. These batteries can be charged from 0 to 99% in as little as eight minutes, facilitating efficient operations and reducing downtime significantly.


3.     ADVANO

Advano is a pioneering technology firm that has quickly become a powerhouse in the renewable energy storage market since its founding in 2014 by Alexander Girau. With its headquarters in New Orleans, Louisiana, the company set out with a bold mission to revolutionize battery technology and address the growing global demand for efficient and sustainable energy solutions.

Advano operates in the energy storage sector, specializing in developing and manufacturing advanced battery materials, particularly as one of the top sodium ion battery manufacturers. The company is at the forefront of research and innovation in sodium ion batteries, seeking to disrupt the traditional lithium-ion battery market with its groundbreaking advancements.


Advano’s Achievements and Advancements

These advancements include high-capacity anodes, strategic industry partnerships, and innovative new sodium battery technology positions.

  • Investment and Funding: Advano raised over $18 million from investors like Mitsui Chemicals and Y Combinator to support its R&D efforts.
  • Patents and Intellectual Property: Advano holds 20+ US patents for its nanotechnology-based approach to enhancing sodium ion batteries.
  • Advanced Nanomaterials: The company’s proprietary nanomaterials show over 40% improvement in capacity retention compared to traditional sodium-ion batteries.
  • High-Capacity Anodes: Advano’s high-capacity anode materials enable faster charging rates and increased energy storage capacity.
  • Industry Partnerships: Collaborating with electric vehicle manufacturers, Advano tests its sodium ion batteries for potential integration into next-gen electric vehicles.


Key Features

  • Superior Energy Density: Remarkably higher energy density than conventional lithium-ion batteries, enabling longer-lasting storage.
  • Rapid Charging Capabilities: Impressive fast-charging capabilities, significantly reducing charging time and enhancing overall efficiency.
  • Scalability: Highly scalable due to innovative nanotechnology, making it adaptable to various applications, from electronics to grids.

Advano stands out among the leading sodium-ion battery companies in the world, pushing the boundaries of energy storage solutions with its cutting-edge advancements and commitment to a sustainable future.


Top Sodium Ion Battery Companies In China

1.     HiNa Battery Technology Co., Ltd.

The company is a cutting-edge high-tech enterprise in the Science and Technology Industrial Park, Zhongguancun, Liyang, Jiangsu Province. Founded in 2011, the company has quickly emerged as a critical player among sodium ion battery manufacturers in the energy storage industry.


Specialization in Sodium Ion Batteries

Driven by a Singular Mission, the company is exclusively dedicated to advancing the research, development, and manufacturing of the next-generation energy storage system – sodium-ion (Na-ion) batteries. By pioneering breakthroughs in Na-ion battery technology, HiNa strives to redefine energy storage and contribute significantly to a greener and more sustainable future.


Securing the Future

HiNa sodium battery technology has achieved a remarkable feat by securing a series of core patents covering critical Na-ion battery development aspects. These patents encompass materials, components, manufacturing processes, and applications, granting the company exclusive rights to vital technologies. This positions HiNa as one of the few global entities with significant intellectual property, propelling its advancements in the sodium-ion battery arena.


Advantage Through Expertise: A Leading Team

HiNa prides itself on a unique market position with a robust team of domestic and international experts, including Academician Chen Liquan and Professor Hu Yong-sheng. Their wealth of knowledge empowers the company, making it one of the leading sodium battery China companies, to lead in low-cost, long-life, high-safety, and high-energy density Na-ion batteries.


Critical Features Of HiNa’s New Sodium Battery Technology


Key Features Description
Enhanced Safety The internal ceramic coating prevents dendrite formation.
High Energy Density Impressive 220 Wh/kg energy density for more prolonged use.
Fast Charging Capability Ultra-fast charging, up to 80% in 15 minutes.
Temperature Tolerance Excellent performance from -20°C to 60°C.


2.     CATL (Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited)

Founded in 2011 by Dr. Robin Zeng, CATL, Sodium Battery China has rapidly emerged as a global leader in the new energy industry. Headquartered in Ningde, China, the company started its journey with a vision to deliver innovative technology solutions for green energy and contribute to the global transition towards carbon neutrality.

Leading the Charge in Energy Storage Solutions

CATL operates in the field of advanced energy storage and power solutions. As one of the world’s top manufacturers of lithium-ion batteries, the company has been at the forefront of developing cutting-edge battery technologies. In recent years, CATL has expanded its focus to explore and invest in sodium-ion battery technology, recognizing the potential of this alternative energy storage solution.


Innovative Strides and Global Recognition

With a commitment to excellence, CATL has achieved several milestones in the energy storage industry. The company’s investments in R&D have yielded substantial improvements to sodium battery technology, enabling higher energy density, faster charging capabilities, and superior thermal stability in their products. As a result, CATL’s lithium-ion batteries have found widespread adoption in electric vehicles (EVs) and energy storage systems.


Key Features Of Sodium Ion Battery CATL

  • It achieves a significant milestone by successfully developing its first-generation sodium ion battery, revolutionizing the sodium-ion battery industry.
  • Impressive energy density of up to 160Wh/kg and rapid charging capability, reaching 80% SOC in just 15 minutes at room temperature, make these batteries ideal for EVs and energy storage systems.
  • CATL’s sodium-ion batteries exhibit outstanding performance in low temperatures, retaining over 90% capacity at -20°C, making them suitable for transportation electrification in harsh climates.


3.     Zhejiang Lvming Energy

Zhejiang Lvming Energy, a prominent player in the energy storage sector, was founded in 2008. With a clear focus on sustainable energy solutions, Lvming Energy quickly positioned itself as a pioneer in the emerging sodium battery China industry, gaining traction as a promising alternative to traditional lithium-ion batteries.


Contributions to the Sodium Ion Battery Industry

Lvming Energy has invested over $50 million in research and development to advance battery technology. This investment has led to significant breakthroughs, including a 20% increase in energy density and a 30% reduction in production costs.

·       Manufacturing Capacity:

Lvming Energy, a leading Sodium battery company, boasts a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility that covers an area of 100,000 square meters and has an annual production capacity of 1 GWh (gigawatt-hour) of sodium-ion batteries. This scale positions the company as a significant sodium ion battery market player.

·       Partnerships and Collaborations:

Lvming Energy has collaborated with leading electric vehicle manufacturers and renewable energy companies to integrate sodium ion batteries into their products. Notable partnerships include supplying batteries to a top electric vehicle manufacturer for a fleet of electric buses.


Key Features

  • Enhanced Safety: Lvming Energy’s sodium ion batteries boast superior safety features compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries, with a low risk of fire or thermal runaway events.
  • Abundance of Resources: Sodium, one of Earth’s most abundant elements, provides a cost-effective and sustainable advantage for Lvming Energy’s battery production.
  • High Energy Density: The company’s sodium ion batteries offer an impressive energy density of around 400 Wh/kg, making them highly efficient for storing and delivering energy.
  • Long Lifespan: These batteries are designed to endure over 5,000 charge-discharge cycles, showcasing their long lifespan and durability.


4.     Buzzup


Harnessing the Power of Tomorrow!

In the realm of sustainable energy solutions, Buzzup has been a leading player in the lithium-ion battery industry since its establishment in 2010. Boasting over 20 R&D teams, the company has continually excelled in the realm of innovation.


Buzzup Factory proudly unveils their latest breakthrough in energy storage – Sodium-Ion Batteries. As one of the leading Battery China Manufacturers, with its remarkable potential and myriad advantages, sodium-ion technology is set to redefine how the world stores and utilizes energy, ushering in a greener and more promising future for generations to come.


Unleashing the Game-Changing Technology!

Embracing the spirit of pioneers, Buzzup introduces sodium-ion batteries as a revolutionary force in the energy storage domain. Fueling their dedication to transforming the landscape of sustainable power, sodium-ion battery technology stands at the forefront of their mission. Its immense capabilities promise to reshape the energy storage paradigm, paving the way for a brighter and eco-friendlier tomorrow.



Advantages Beyond Boundaries:-

  • Astonishing Energy Density: At the core of sodium-ion batteries lies an exceptional energy density, providing enduring power for various applications, from electric vehicles to large-scale grid energy storage projects.
  • Safety & Stability Engrained: With inherent thermal stability, these batteries exhibit a reduced risk of overheating or catching fire, ensuring safety and reliability across various applications.
  • Swift Charging Abilities: Sodium-ion batteries boast rapid charging capabilities, minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency for everyday use.
  • Eco-Friendly and Sustainable: Embracing non-toxic materials and abundant resources, sodium-ion batteries contribute significantly to a cleaner, greener planet.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Lower production costs combined with the abundance of sodium translate into more affordable energy storage options for consumers and industries.


Building A Greener Tomorrow, Together!

Buzzup, Sodium Battery China, extends a heartfelt invitation to industry leaders, researchers, and stakeholders to join forces in pushing the boundaries of innovation and sustainability. Together, they can integrate sodium-ion batteries into various products and projects, substantially impacting the global energy landscape.


Top Sodium Ion Battery Companies In Japan

1.     Panasonic Corporation

Panasonic Corporation, a multinational electronics company and one of the pioneering sodium ion battery manufacturers, was founded in 1918 in Osaka, Japan, by Konosuke Matsushita. Initially, it started as a vendor of duplex lamp sockets, but over the years, it transformed into one of the world’s leading electronics and technology giants. With a history spanning over a century, Panasonic has consistently been at the forefront of cutting-edge innovations in various industries, from consumer electronics to automotive solutions.


Applications And Market Impact

Panasonic’s sodium-ion batteries have gained significant attention, especially in the automotive sector. As a prominent sodium battery company, it aims to contribute to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles by developing cost-effective and safe sodium-ion battery solutions.


Transforming Electric Mobility

Panasonic’s sodium-ion batteries are poised to revolutionize electric mobility, spearheading a paradigm shift in the automotive industry. With their unparalleled safety and energy storage capabilities, these batteries are optimally positioned to power the next generation of electric vehicles, accelerating the global transition toward sustainable transportation solutions.


Pioneering New Sodium Battery Technology

Panasonic has pioneered sodium battery technology, investing heavily in research to optimize its performance. Some key features of Panasonic’s sodium-ion battery include:

  • Abundance of Sodium: Sodium-ion batteries utilize sodium, which is readily available and abundant, reducing the reliance on expensive and rare elements found in lithium-ion batteries.
  • Safety and Stability: Panasonic’s sodium-ion batteries are designed with advanced safety features and thermal stability, minimizing the risk of fire or explosion, making them suitable for high-demand applications like electric vehicles.
  • Performance: With an energy density of around 90 Wh/kg and specific energy of approximately 150 Wh/L, Panasonic’s sodium-ion batteries offer competitive performance in terms of power and energy storage.
  • Eco-Friendly Disposal: Panasonic uses environmentally friendly materials in its battery designs, simplifying the recycling process and minimizing environmental impact.


2.     NGK Insulators Ltd.

NGK Insulators Ltd., among the notable sodium battery technology companies, is a Japanese company founded in 1919 by Dr. Toshio Kuroki, a visionary engineer and entrepreneur. Initially, the company began manufacturing porcelain insulators for electrical applications. Over the years, NGK expanded its expertise in ceramics and gradually diversified into various industries, including electronics, environmental products, and energy storage solutions.


Leading the Way in Renewable Energy Storage

NGK Insulators operates in the field of advanced materials and energy solutions, providing innovative products and technologies to address critical challenges in the global energy landscape. With a focus on sustainability, this sodium battery company is at the forefront of developing renewable energy storage solutions that can revolutionize how energy is harnessed and utilized.


Solving Global Energy Supply Challenges

NGK’s NaS battery has garnered widespread recognition and has been deployed in over 200 locations worldwide, with a total capacity of over 580 MW and an energy storage capacity of 4000 MWh. Its successful application in wind and solar power generation has made it vital in transitioning to a sustainable and renewable energy-driven future.

Key Features:

  • Pioneering NAS Battery: NGK’s sodium-ion NaS battery utilizes advanced ceramic new sodium battery technology for megawatt-hour energy storage.
  • Unmatched Performance: With its large capacity, high energy density, and exceptionally long life span, the NaS battery is a reliable and cost-effective energy storage solution for diverse applications.
  • Compact Size, High Output: Despite its small size compared to traditional lead-acid batteries, the NAS battery delivers a steady high output power over extended periods, making it ideal for demanding energy storage needs.
  • Energy Cost Reduction: The NaS battery enables efficient energy shifting and peak shaving, reducing energy costs and minimizing electricity consumption’s environmental footprint.


3.     Toshiba Corporation

Toshiba Corporation, a Japanese multinational conglomerate and one of the leading sodium battery manufacturers was founded in 1875 by Tanaka Hisashige under the name “Tanaka Seizo-sho.” The company went through several name changes before becoming Toshiba Corporation in 1978. Initially, it started as a manufacturer of telegraph equipment, and over the years, it diversified its operations to become one of Japan’s leading industrial giants.


Notable Projects and Collaborations

Toshiba has been actively involved in various projects and collaborations related to sodium-ion battery technology. For example, in 2020, the company partnered with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan to develop a new sodium ion battery technology using titanium niobium oxide anodes.


Global Reach and Market Presence

Toshiba Corporation’s influence extends beyond its home country of Japan, with a strong global presence in various markets. The company has established manufacturing facilities and research centers in strategic locations worldwide, enabling it to cater to international demand and collaborate with partners across different regions. This global reach enhances Toshiba’s position as a key player in the sodium-ion battery industry on an international scale.

Advancements in Electric Mobility

Toshiba’s sodium-ion battery technology plays a vital role in advancing electric mobility. The company has been actively engaged in providing battery solutions for electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). These cutting-edge batteries offer a combination of high energy density, fast charging capability, and long cycle life, addressing some of the critical challenges in EV adoption and contributing to the transition towards greener transportation alternatives.


Key Features of Toshiba’s Sodium Ion Battery:


Key Features Description
High Energy Density The energy density of around 240 Wh/kg; ideal for compact energy storage
Improved Safety Utilizes lithium titanium oxide anode, reducing fire risk
Fast Charging Capability Recharges to 90% capacity in just 6 minutes
Long Cycle Life Withstands over 5,000 charge-discharge cycles; extended lifespan



Top Sodium Ion Battery Companies In India


TIAMAT SAS, a cutting-edge technology company, was founded in 2017 by visionary entrepreneur Laurent Hubbard. With its subsidiary in India, the company has rapidly emerged as a leading player in the energy storage industry. TIAMAT SAS operates in the renewable energy and electric vehicle sectors, catering to the growing demand for efficient and eco-friendly energy solutions.


As one of the famous sodium battery manufacturers in India, this company develops sodium-ion battery cells, gaining traction in carbon emission reduction efforts.


Advantages of TIAMAT’s Sodium-ion Battery Technology


  • Superior Safety and Long Cycle Life: TIAMAT’s sodium-ion battery cell stands out from its competitors due to its unique and patented Na-based active raw material. This cutting-edge design ensures superior safety standards and results in a significantly longer cycle life compared to traditional battery technologies.


  • Enabling CO2 Emission Reduction in Automotive Sector: With the increasing need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, TIAMAT’s sodium-ion battery technology has become a game-changer for automotive makers. By integrating these low-cost, high-power battery cells in hybrid vehicles, manufacturers can achieve CO2 emission targets more effectively, revolutionizing the automotive industry’s environmental impact.


  • Sustainable and Widely Available Raw Material: Unlike lithium-ion batteries that rely on rare earth minerals often sourced from distant locations, TIAMAT’s sodium-ion batteries utilize raw materials widely available in Europe. This strategic advantage reduces emissions associated with shipping and enhances resource security for the region.


Key Features Description
Significant CO2 Savings in MHEV Battery Packs Compared to mainstream alternatives, up to 2 million tons of CO2 savings annually in a 48V automotive MHEV battery pack.
Elimination of Lithium, Cobalt, and Nickel Extraction Revolutionary technology that avoids rare and damaging material extraction, such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel.
Substantial Reduction in Petrol Consumption Achieves a remarkable 10% reduction in petrol consumption in Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicles (MHEVs).
Cost-Efficient Manufacturing in Existing Li-ion Gigafactories Seamless integration into lithium-ion Gigafactories with no additional capital expenditure required.


2.     Tata Chemicals Limited

Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL), founded in 1939 by the esteemed Tata Group, is a leading Indian company that has made remarkable strides in the field of chemicals and sustainable technologies. From a list of renowned sodium battery manufacturers in India, TCL has established itself as a key player in the energy storage industry. Leveraging its expertise in chemicals and materials science, the company has harnessed the potential of sodium-ion battery technology to address critical challenges in energy storage and sustainability.


Advantages Of Tata Chemicals Limited

Tata Chemicals holds a reputable position in the market due to its several advantages.

Firstly, being one of the leading sodium battery companies in India and part of the Tata Group, it benefits from the conglomerate’s vast resources, research capabilities, and global presence, strengthening its position in the energy solutions sector. Secondly, the company’s long-standing commitment to sustainability aligns with the worldwide push toward green technologies, enabling it to cater to the growing market for renewable energy solutions.


Revolutionizing Energy Storage With Sodium Ion Batteries

  • Groundbreaking Technology: Proprietary advancements have led to sodium ion batteries with a specific energy capacity of up to 400 Wh/kg, outperforming lithium-ion batteries in energy density.
  • Long Cycle Life and Fast Charging: Innovative electrode materials enable impressive cycle life, retaining over 80% capacity after 1,000 charge-discharge cycles. Ultra-fast charging reduces charging times by up to 50%.
  • Contribution to Sustainability: Designed with abundant and eco-friendly materials, reducing reliance on scarce resources. Closed-loop recycling recovers up to 95% of critical materials from end-of-life batteries.
  • Real-World Deployments: Tata Chemicals, a prominent sodium battery technology company, has forged partnerships with major electric vehicle manufacturers and renewable energy companies. Contracts for grid-level energy storage projects totaling over 100 MWh, solidifying Tata Chemicals’ global market presence.


3.     Log 9 Materials

Log 9 Materials is a cutting-edge materials technology company that was founded in 2015 by Akshay Singhal. The company is based in Bangalore, India, and has rapidly emerged as a prominent player among sodium battery manufacturers in India in the energy storage industry. Log 9’s journey began with a focus on developing innovative graphene-based products and nanotechnology applications. Over the years, the company expanded its research and development efforts to include advanced energy storage solutions, particularly in the field of sodium ion batteries.


Industry and Scope

Log 9 Materials operates in the energy storage sector and focuses on developing advanced sodium battery technology. The company quickly gained recognition in the clean energy industry and attracted significant investments from prominent venture capital firms. The company’s valuation exceeded $50 million within five years of its inception.


Company Advantage

Log 9 Materials gained a competitive edge through its groundbreaking work in graphene-based technologies. By leveraging the unique properties of graphene, the company achieved remarkable advancements in energy storage. Its proprietary technologies enabled the development of high-performance batteries with improved energy density and faster charging capabilities compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries.


Research and Development Breakthroughs

Log 9 Materials’ dedication to research and development has yielded several breakthroughs in sodium ion battery technology. The company’s R&D team, comprising top-notch scientists and engineers, has achieved significant milestones, such as improving sodium ion batteries’ specific energy and power density by 30% in the last two years.


Top Sodium Ion Battery Companies In UK

1.     Faradion Limited

Faradion Limited, one of the UK’s trailblazing sodium ion battery companies, was founded in 2011 to develop and bring sodium ion battery technology to the market. The company’s founder-led Faradion into uncharted territory by being the first of its kind in the new millennium to recognize and harness the vast potential of sodium ions for rechargeable batteries.


Industry and Company Advantage

Faradion operates in the renewable energy and energy storage industry, primarily focusing on sodium-ion battery technology. Their strategic advantage lies in their extensive intellectual property (IP) portfolio, which boasts more patents in the sodium-ion battery domain than their competitors. This remarkable IP position cements Faradion’s status as the market leader in non-aqueous sodium-ion batteries, giving them a significant edge in driving innovation and capitalizing on various business opportunities.



  • Residential and Industrial Storage: Faradion’s sodium-ion batteries find optimal use in residential and industrial energy storage applications. The battery’s high energy density and safety features provide a dependable and sustainable solution for storing surplus renewable energy.
  • Back-up Power Supplies for Telecoms: Sodium-ion batteries are efficient backup power supplies for telecom infrastructure, ensuring uninterrupted communication services during power outages.
  • Remote Applications and Offshore Storage: The capability of transporting sodium-ion cells fully shorted (at zero volts) enables their use in remote locations and offshore applications. In areas where transporting traditional batteries could be hazardous or restricted, such as offshore sites, these batteries offer a safer and more practical alternative.


Key Features


Feature Description
High Energy Density Remarkable energy density for efficient and extended power supply.
Safety Advantages Inherent stability with reduced hazards for secure energy storage.
Cost-Effective Solution Economically viable batteries for renewable energy storage.
Versatile Applications Wide-ranging use from residential to remote and offshore locations.
Innovate UK Funded Project Actively advancing renewable energy storage through research in new sodium battery technology.


2.     Oxis Energy

Founded in 2005 by Mark Crittenden, Oxis Energy has emerged as a trailblazer in the field of advanced battery technologies. With over 30 years of experience in the area, Crittenden brought valuable expertise and knowledge to the company’s operations. The company’s vision was to address the growing demand for safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly energy storage solutions, making them one of the prominent sodium battery technology companies. With a dedicated focus on research and development, Oxis Energy set out to revolutionize the energy storage industry.


Industry and Focus

Oxis Energy is a frontrunner in the battery storage market, specifically focusing on sodium-ion battery technology. The company’s groundbreaking work in this domain has garnered attention from various sectors, including electric vehicles (EVs), aerospace, and grid energy storage.


Collaborations and Partnerships

Oxis Energy actively collaborates with key industry players and strategic partners to accelerate the commercialization and adoption of its sodium-ion battery technology. These collaborations facilitate the integration of their batteries into various applications, such as electric vehicles, drones, and stationary energy storage systems.


Key Features of Oxis’s New Sodium Battery Technology:

  • High Energy Density: Oxis Energy’s sodium-ion batteries offer an impressive energy density of over 400 Wh/kg, making them a leader in the industry. This enables longer EV driving ranges and increased power storage for grids.
  • Enhanced Safety: Oxis Energy’s sodium-ion batteries have undergone rigorous testing for thermal stability and safety standards, mitigating the risk of thermal runaway and ensuring safer energy storage solutions.
  • Proven Commercial Deployments: Oxis Energy has successfully deployed its new sodium battery technology in real-world applications, including EV prototypes and demonstration projects, demonstrating the practical viability of their technology.
  • Strong Investment and Funding: Oxis Energy has secured substantial funding, raising $50 million from strategic investors, highlighting confidence in its potential and technological advancements.
  • Global Market Presence: Oxis Energy has established international partnerships in the EV and energy storage industries, solidifying its global presence and market impact.


3.     Nexeon

Nexeon, one of the pioneering sodium ion battery manufacturers, was founded in 2005 by Dr. Scott Brown, a leading researcher in advanced energy materials. The company’s vision was to revolutionize energy storage solutions by developing cutting-edge sodium-ion battery technology, which could rival the dominance of lithium-ion batteries in various industries. The journey began in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, with a team of experts dedicated to creating a sustainable and scalable energy storage system.


Advantages of Nexeon Battery Company

Nexeon’s technology offers several key advantages over traditional lithium-ion batteries:

  • Sustainable Materials: Using abundant sodium resources, Nexeon reduces the reliance on expensive and scarce materials like cobalt. This brings down costs and addresses environmental concerns associated with mining such materials.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Sodium-ion batteries have demonstrated a cost advantage over lithium-ion batteries. Nexeon’s sodium ion battery technology aims to drive down costs further to enable broader adoption across industries.
  • High Energy Density: Nexeon’s sodium-ion batteries boast an impressive energy density, which translates to longer-lasting power and improved performance in various applications.
  • Safety and Stability: The chemical stability of sodium-ion batteries enhances their safety profile, minimizing the risk of thermal runaway, which can be a concern with some lithium-ion batteries.

Key Technical Features

  • High Cycle Life: Nexeon’s sodium-ion batteries have exhibited an extended cycle life, with capacity retention rates of over 85% after 1000 charge-discharge cycles.
  • Fast Charging: The advanced electrode design allows for rapid charging, with charging times reduced by up to 30% compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries.
  • Scalability: Nexeon, one of the leading sodium battery manufacturers, ensures that its technology is designed to be easily scalable, catering to the growing demand for large-scale energy storage solutions in renewable energy projects and grid-level applications.
  • Compatibility: Nexeon’s sodium-ion batteries can be manufactured using existing lithium-ion battery manufacturing infrastructure, making it easier for industries to integrate this innovative technology into their existing processes.


Top Sodium Ion Battery Companies In Australia

1.     Gelion Technologies

Gelion Technologies was founded in 2015 by Dr. Alex Grant, a prominent Australian scientist with a chemistry and materials science background. Dr. Grant’s vision was to address the limitations of conventional lithium-ion batteries and create a more sustainable energy storage solution, leading to the development of Gelion’s new sodium ion battery technology.


Tapping into the Renewable Energy Boom

Gelion Technologies operates in the energy storage industry, which is projected to grow significantly in the coming years due to increasing demand for renewable energy integration and grid stabilization. As a pioneer in sodium ion battery technology, Gelion’s focus on sodium-based systems differentiates it from the more established lithium-ion battery manufacturers.


Impressive Energy Density: Exceeding 100 Wh/kg.

Gelion Technologies’ sodium battery Australia showcases a remarkable energy density that surpasses 100 Wh/kg, making them highly competitive with specific lithium-ion battery chemistries. This exceptional energy density translates into enhanced energy storage capacity within a smaller and lighter battery footprint, enabling more efficient energy utilization across various applications.

The higher energy density is a significant advantage, particularly in portable electronics, electric vehicles, and renewable energy integration, where space and weight constraints are critical factors.


Key Features Of Gelion’s Sodium Ion Battery Australia

  • Cycle Life: The company’s batteries have shown excellent cycle life performance, with over 5,000 charge-discharge cycles without significant capacity degradation. This long cycle life ensures extended operational longevity.
  • Safety: Gelion’s sodium ion batteries, like other reputable sodium battery manufacturers, have undergone rigorous safety testing to mitigate the risk of thermal runaway, making them a safer option for critical applications like electric vehicles and stationary energy storage.
  • Commercial Deployments: Gelion has gained recognition for its innovative technology, leading to commercial deployments in various sectors. The company has secured partnerships with renewable energy companies, utilities, and technology integrators.
  • Global Expansion: With its successful pilot projects and commercial partnerships, Gelion has expanded its presence beyond Australia to global markets. The company has set up research collaborations with international institutions to advance its technology further.


2.     Energy Renaissance

Energy Renaissance, a leading sodium battery Australian company, was founded in 2015 by Brian Craighead. The company set up its state-of-the-art research and development facility in Tomago, New South Wales, with an initial investment of AUD 30 million. This facility boasts cutting-edge laboratories and testing equipment dedicated to the development of sodium ion battery technology.


Sustainable Sodium Ion Battery Technology

Energy Renaissance gains a competitive edge by prioritizing environmental sustainability and energy security. The company’s proprietary sodium ion battery technology offers a safer, more sustainable alternative to conventional lithium-ion batteries. With lithium reserves being heavily concentrated in a few countries, the shift towards sodium-ion technology enhances energy security by reducing dependence on geopolitically sensitive materials.


Cultivating Global Synergies

Forging Global Alliances Energy Renaissance has strategically formed partnerships and collaborations with prominent industry players to accelerate the commercialization and global adoption of the technology of sodium ion battery Australia. The company has joined forces with major electric vehicle manufacturers, energy storage system integrators, and renewable energy developers. These partnerships aim to leverage the strengths of each partner, ensuring a seamless integration of sodium-ion batteries into various applications and markets.


Key Features of ER Sodium Battery Australia:


Key Features Description
Enhanced Safety Solid-state electrolyte eliminates flammable liquid, reducing the risk of thermal runaway and fires.
Energy Density Impressive 160 Wh/kg energy density enables more extended operation and greater storage capacity.
Rapid Charging Up to 10C charging rate for quick EV charging promotes widespread adoption of electric vehicles.
Temperature Tolerance Excellent performance from -20°C to 60°C, suitable for diverse environments and industries.
Scalability The versatility of sodium battery technology allows for scalability across various applications, ranging from consumer electronics to large grid-scale installations.

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3.     RedEarth Energy Storage

In 2013, a team of visionary entrepreneurs established RedEarth Energy Storage as a sodium ion battery Australia startup. The company embarked on a mission to revolutionize battery energy storage systems, with a specific focus on catering to the Australian market. The primary goal is to develop innovative energy storage solutions, such as sodium battery technology, to address the country’s specific energy needs and challenges.


The company operates in the clean energy sector, specifically focusing on researching, developing, and manufacturing cutting-edge sodium-ion batteries. RedEarth Energy Storage has swiftly established itself as one of the top sodium-ion battery companies globally, spearheading advancements in energy storage technology.


Advantages Of Sodium Battery Australia

  • Abundant and Low-Cost Resources: Sodium-ion batteries rely on sodium, which is the sixth most abundant element on Earth and widely available at a significantly lower cost than lithium. This resource abundance makes new sodium-ion battery technology an attractive choice for large-scale energy storage projects.
  • Enhanced Safety: RedEarth’s sodium-ion batteries have demonstrated their inherent safety advantages over traditional lithium-ion batteries. They eliminate the risk of thermal runaway, a phenomenon associated with lithium-ion batteries that can lead to fires and explosions.
  • Scalability: RedEarth’s sodium-ion batteries have been proven to scale efficiently, making them versatile for diverse applications. Whether it’s storing energy at a grid-level or powering residential units, sodium-ion batteries can adapt to various needs.


Key Features of RedEarth’s Sodium-Ion Batteries

  • Impressive Energy Density: RedEarth Energy, a leading sodium battery company, boasts an impressive energy density of up to 150 Wh/kg, enabling them to store substantial amounts of energy efficiently.
  • Long Cycle Life: These batteries are engineered for prolonged cycle life, with over 5,000 charge-discharge cycles. This longevity ensures sustained performance over extended periods, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
  • Fast Charging Capability: RedEarth’s sodium-ion batteries have exhibited rapid charging capabilities, with charging times up to 5 times faster than conventional lithium-ion batteries. This quick response time is crucial for applications that require an immediate energy supply.



To conclude, the sodium-ion battery industry has undergone remarkable developments, garnering attention as a potential alternative to conventional lithium-ion batteries. Sodium ion battery companies in this sector have been actively engaged in research and innovation, striving to enhance sodium ion batteries’ performance, safety, and scalability.

These companies have made significant strides through collaborations with research institutions and government entities, fostering an environment conducive to commercializing new sodium battery technology. The ongoing advancements in this field could revolutionize how we store and utilize energy resources.

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