Easy Guide of Lithium Batteries- 18650 vs 26650

18650 vs 26650 002

What Does a 18650 Battery Mean?

18650 Vs 26650

18650 batteries, also called “18650 cells,” are mainly a type of lithium-ion battery that possess 3.7v voltage which is recognized as its nominal voltage. The overall voltage range of this battery ranges from 2.5 to 4.2 volts, and it is suitable to use in electronic devices like electric bicycle batteries, lighting lamp batteries, laptops, power tool batteries, etc. You can take the idea of the dimensions of the battery from its name.

This battery is rechargeable, so you can charge and discharge multiple times without losing its remaining power. In addition, it is lightweight with a capacity ranging from 1200mAh to 3600 mAh and may take 4 hours for its complete charging. It is a long-lasting battery with a large charge cycle that makes it appropriate for numerous applications.

The 18650 battery is divided into two main categories depending on the presence and absence of the protected circuits.

  1. Protected 18650 rechargeable battery
  2. Unprotected 18650 rechargeable battery.

1- Protected 18650 Rechargeable Battery:

As the name implies, this battery type has an internal electronic circuit to ensure safe charging and discharging. It resists the battery from being overcharged, thus preventing it from exploding.

2- Unprotected 18650 Rechargeable Battery:

This battery type lacks an electronic circuit, making it non-resistant to overcharging. Consequently, the battery may rupture, burst, or even permanently damage.

How to define a 26650 Battery?

26650 Cell

The lithium-ion battery is ⅓ AAA and has a 26mm diameter and 65mm length. It has a high voltage capacity with a nominal voltage of 3.7V. C


ommonly, its capacity ranges  5200mAh and offers applications in high-drain devices, including electric vehicles, toys, vaping, high-powered flashlights, etc.

It is an eco-friendly battery with high power density, large size, and high voltage. It has a continuous drain current, high thermal resistance, greater pulse current, and long run time. Thus, it is known for storing massive energy efficiently. In addition, its current delivery ability also enhances, making it ideal for high-drain electronic devices.

What features make the 18650 and 26650 Batteries Exceptional from each other?

Numerous factors make them different. Let’s check these differences.

1- Battery life 18650 vs. 26650:

The 26650 battery with good power storage capacity; proves advantageous as it automatically increases its runtime compared to a 18650 battery. Due to increasing runtime, it can show performance for long periods, enhancing its overall lifespan. In contrast, you may need to replace 18650 earlier than 26650 because of its short battery life.

2- Capacity of both batteries:

26650 batteries have great diameter and size. These characteristics enhance its charge-holding capacity, and its capacity usually ranges 5200mAh. The 18650 battery has less charge holding capacity as it has lesser capacity, i.e., 1200mAh to 300mAh.

3- 18650 vs. 26650 Chemistry:

It’s clear when we compare 18650 vs. 26650 that both batteries have unique features, which specify the properties and functions of both batteries. 26650 is a LiFePO4 rechargeable battery. The chemistry used in 18650 cells is NMC cells or lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide with a nominal voltage of 3.7 V. The 18650 batteries have a high energy density of 150-220wh/kg.

26650 batteries are applicable in various applications. It has cylindrical specifications and has been used in power tools, medical equipment, logistics, and mapping.

4- 18650 vs. 26650 Dimensions:

Dimension mainly refers to the battery’s length and diameter. Both 18650 and 26650 have different dimensions, mainly because of varying diameters. They are equal in length, i.e., 65mm. The 18650 has low internal resistance. The diameter of 26650, i.e., 26mm, has no heat decomposition.

Due to their greater diameter, 26650 batteries offer more storage and long life cycle. Moreover, it suits devices that can perfectly fit large-size batteries. 18650 is ideal for devices having small space for battery.

5- 18650 vs. 26650 Sizes & Discharge Rate:

26650 rechargeable battery is larger as compared to the 18650 rechargeable battery. Its larger size is because of its greater diameter, creating the major difference between both batteries. The size 18650 is clear in its name as 18 refers to 18mm diameter, and 65 digits refer to 65mm length. Both batteries have the same shape, i.e., cylindrical.

In addition, their discharge rates are different, which is the rate of delivering their stored energy. When compared, the discharge rate 18650 is less than the 26650, meaning that its energy delivery rate is less than the latter. Nevertheless, 26650 has a higher discharge rate making it an impeccable option for high-drain electronic devices.

4- Which is a good choice between 26650 vs. 18650?

Both batteries work efficiently and are prominent in the industry due to their widely used applications. Their use and application depend on the type of work you need these batteries. You must consider the device’s specifications and energy storage capacity.

18650 batteries are an ideal option for portable devices because they offer more ease of use. It is also light in weight. It also works best for those devices that need batteries with less energy storage capacity. It is cheaper than a 26650 lithium-ion battery.

26650 batteries are not proving suitable for portable devices. These batteries are more expensive. Moreover, 26650 batteries are suitable for high-powered devices, and there will be no chances of fire and explosion while using these batteries.

5- Are 26650 and 18650 Rechargeable Batteries?

Unlike disposable batteries, you can recharge both batteries multiple times to run your devices without affecting their performance. 18650 batteries need 3 hours for full recharge and perform well under 70 degrees. On the other hand, you may need only 2.5 hours to charge 26650 batteries.

Moreover, they have different recharge cycles. You can recharge the 18650 battery 500 times which is lower than the recharge cycle of the 26650 battery, i.e., 2000 times. In case to ensure good recharging, you must be selective while using a charger that meets these batteries’ specifications and requirements. Being rechargeable, they best fit rechargeable devices such as flashlights, laptops, electric bikes, etc.

6- How long does a 26650 Battery last compared to a 18650 Lithium-ion battery?

18650 batteries can easily charge more than 500 times and can be used for walkie-talkies, electric bicycles, and laptops. 18650 batteries have 2200, 2600, and 3100 MAH with charging current IC. 26650 battery has 4000, 4200, and 4500 MAH with long battery life, so they are compatible with various applications of power supplies.

7- How can I choose and what must I consider while selecting the right battery for my device between 18650 and 26650 batteries?

Choosing an adequate battery type for your device might be a confusing task, but appropriate information about batteries may ease choosing the right type of battery.

Battery Size:

Battery size is among the crucial factors you must consider when choosing a specific device’s battery. 26650 can be a smart choice for such devices, which can be compatible with large-size batteries. For small battery size requirements, it is suggested to use a 18650 battery.

Energy Storage Capacity:

18650 and 26650 have different energy storage capacities. 26650 have more storage capacity and offer long run time. Therefore, these batteries are good for long-term power use and high-drain devices. Otherwise, choose 18650 to run a device requiring less energy capacity.

Rate of Discharge:

26650 battery has a low discharge rate and offers high safety performance. So, it is ideal for high-powered devices that demand high power for non-stop working. In case your device can work best with a battery having a low discharge rate, choose a 18650 lithium-ion battery.


It would be helpful if you considered the cost while choosing the lithium-ion battery for your device. Cost is a main factor to consider while purchasing a battery; it should be within your budget limit. 18650 batteries are less costly and environmentally friendly. These batteries have small sizes and lower energy-storing capacity. On the other hand, 26650 batteries are expensive. These batteries offer good energy density and do not have any toxic elements.

8- Are 26650 and 18650 Interchangeable?

The interchangeability of 26650 and 18650 lithium-ion may vary depending on different factors. You may interchange them based on their current outputs and overall voltage. But interchanging them is not recommended because of their different sizes and energy storage capacities. The 26650 battery has large size. Thus, it may not fit in portable devices and is mostly used in solar energy batteries, energy stations, and solar street lights.

Moreover, 18650 batteries may fail to provide enough power to high-drain devices requiring greater power for optimal performance. Always use a battery that perfectly fits your device. It is crucial to maintain the safety and good performance of your device.

9- What are the Different Applications of 18650 batteries and 26650 Batteries?

Both batteries are popular due to their uses and advantages, making them exceptional in the market. 18650 batteries are more compatible with small devices which require a small battery size. Therefore we can use these batteries for laptop charging and electric bicycle and lighting.

26650 batteries are more suitable for those applications requiring high voltage and discharge rates. You can use these batteries for toys, solar energy storage, torches, medical equipment, and high-drain devices.

10- Conclusion

Lots of advantages you get while utilizing lithium batteries 18650 and 26650. Because their applications are very wide, these batteries can be utilized for small to large devices and applications to recharge several devices effectively. Their specific features and characteristics make them more efficient and ideal for portable devices. Make sure you choose any of them according to your specific requirements that can fulfill the need of your device.

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